Simi Motion Remote Control
With the Simi Motion Remote Control we have developed a very useful tool for users of Simi Motion and Simi Shape.
Prior to this your Simi software had to be controlled from a stationary computer. Our remote control now allows you to move freely around your recording area (lab, gym, stadium). You will get a small computer tablet which provides access to certain features of the software.
3D Motion Capture as easy as never before!
Features of the Simi Motion Remote Control
- xml-import of your predefined teams, roaster, athletes (name 1, name 2, etc.) and exercises (skate, step down, etc.)
- Control your video recording (start/stop)
- Direct backend storage of your recorded athlete's exercise
- Connection to another monitor and control thereof
- Immediate, time-delayed or super-SlowMo replay on the connected second monitor
- Replay of video plus force data and force vector
The Simi Motion Remote Control is only for full Simi Motion installs. If interested, please send us an email to

Product Information
Should you be interested in any of our products or require further information, we are looking forward to your email to Or simply give us a call: +1-312-818-8244.