Golf Analysis
The biomechanical analysis of the golf swing serves as a method for preventing, treating and rehabilitating golf specific pains and injuries. In order to be able to portray the movement analysis in detail, we attend to both the quantitative and qualitative classification of movement characteristics. Quantitative characteristcs in this context refer to the kinematic and dynamic movement structures, for examples, angles, velocities and angular velocities and accelerations, as well as positioning and length changes of the body, or certain body parts in space and time. Qualitative movement characteristcs are divided into phases and movement rhythms, coupling, ranges, speeds, forces, precision and consistency.
Markerless Technology
Our markerless technology SimiShape is well suited for the application in golf. Unlike the competitors' it can be used everywhere, hence also outdoors on the golf court. With exactly no external stimuli such as placement of markers or sensors to the body, the golfer can move completely naturally. Furthermore not only the athlete but also the motion of the golf club and ball can be tracked.
Innovating Golf broadcasting
TV broadcasters are always eager to enhance the experience for the TV audience. Our markerless motion capture technology opened up new opportunities for them. Never touching any athlete at the event, Simi can be used at professional tournaments and provide meaningful biomechanical insights for the fans at home. Read the related online articles here:

Product Information
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