For a long time physiotherapy and physical medicine have been an integral component of conservative and operative orthopedics, neurology and rehabilitation. It is only however in recent years, that these valuable methods have started to be applied in veterinary medicine.
Evidence based veterinary medicine – Motion analysis in diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation
Simi offers top motion analysis software which deliver accurate results also in the field of veterinary medicine and have been used in veterinary research and practice for years now. Hence our software is being utilized to gain illuminating insights on poor posture, asymmetries or injuries and lameness of horses and dogs.
Horse Motion Analysis
Since the horse is not only popular pet but also livestock, there are more crucial factors to the biomechanics of a horse compared to a dog. Thus in addition to anatomic peculiarities and medical history the biomechanics of a horse depend also on the usage and exposure of the horse as well as riding style or shoeing.
Knowledge gathered by Simi software can give important influence on choice of shoeing beforehand or re-check hoof breakover and horse gait.
Having a horse also means that injury prevention is crucial. Detection of asymmetries and weaknesses can avoid lots of injuries.
Regarding riding sports this also can also help to optimize the sports performance and success. Of course also motion pattern during gallop races or show jumping can be thoroughly analyzed with Simi software. All that is missing afterwards would be a comprehensive motion and technique analysis of the rider or jockey to clear away all possible interferences.

Markerless motion tracking
With Simi’s new technology you can now also work completely markerless. This is highly advantageous when working with animals since the fur was always likely to affect the affixing of markers. Most importantly you can now make sure that no marker fall off or even worse get swallowed by the animal. With Simi Shape there is no more need to work with markers – but it also offers the option to work in a hybrid form to get the best of both worlds.

Product Information
Should you be interested in any of our products or require further information, we are looking forward to your email to sales@simi.com. Or simply give us a call: +1-312-818-8244.