Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Baseball mit Simi Systemen


Ficklin, T., Dapena, J., Brunfeldt, A. (2015). A comparison of base running and sliding techniques collegiate baseball with implications for sliding into first base. Journal of Sport and Health Science. [WWW]


Gray, A.M., Ellison, K.T., Smith, B.A. (2015). Effects of Using Knee Savers on Lower Extremity Kinematics in Male Collegiate Baseball Catchers During Squatting. Texas Orthopaedic Journal, 51-59 (2015). [WWW]


Keeley, D.W, Wicke, J., Alford, K. et al. (2010). Biomechanical analysis of forearm pronation and its relationship to ball movement for the two-seam and four-seam fastball pitches. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 24 (9) 2366-2371.


Chen, Y-S., Kao, Y-C., Hsieh, C-H. & Liu, C. (2007). The comparison of pitching trajectory of new-model baseballs with and without spin. Journal of Biomechanics, 40 (S2) S604.


Chen, Y-S., Kao, Y-C., Hsieh, C-H. & Liu, C. The comparison of pitching trajectory of new-model baseballs with and without spin. Institute of Sports Equipment Technology, Taipei Physical Education College.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Basketball mit Simi Systemen


Ammar, A., Chtourou, H., Abdelkarim, O., Parish, A., Hoekelmann, A. (2015). Free throw shot in basketball: kinematic analysis of scored and missed shots during the learning process. Sport Sciences for Health, 11, 1-7. [WWW]


Okazaki, V.H.A., Rodacki, A,L,F. (2012). Increased distance of shooting on basketball jump shot. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11, 231-237.


Schmidt, A. (2012). Movement patter recognition in basketball free-throw shooting. Human Movement Science, 31 (2) 360-382.


Tsai, C-Y., Ho, W-H., Lii, Y-K. & Huang, C-L. (2006). The kinematic analysis of basketball three point shoot after high intensity program. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 276-279.


Willams, E., Orloff, H., Curtiss, C. & Usagawa, T. (2006). The effect of shoe wear on the door step. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 707-710.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Fußball mit Simi Systemen


Dicks, M., Button, C. & Davids, K.W. (2010).  Availability of advance visual information constrains association-football goalkeeping performance during penalty kicks. Perception, 39 (8) 1111-1124.


Dicks, M., Button, C. & Davids, K. (2010). Examination of gaze behaviors under in situ and video simulation task constraints reveals differences in information pickup for perception and action. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 72 (3) 706-720.


Dicks, M., Davids, K. & Button, C. (2010). Individual differences in the visual control of intercepting a penalty kick in association football . Human Movement Science, 29 (3) 401-411.


Ali, M.A.H. (2009). Impact of an intermittent exercise fatigue protocol on biomechanic indicators for strength and accuracy of soccer penalty kick. Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 3 (1-4) 61-70.


Richter, L. (2009). Funktionelle Stabilität des Kniegelenkes nach Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes an Fußballspielern : eine Studie zur Entwicklung eines praxisgerechten Diagnoseverfahrens zur Verlaufskontrolle bewegungstherapeutischer Maßnahmen. Dissertation an der Universität Leipzig. [WWW]


Scurr, J. & Hall, B. (2009). The effects of approach angle on penalty kicking accuracy and kick kinematics with recreational soccer players. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 8 (2) 230-234.


Orloff, H., Sumida, B., Chow, J. et al. (2008). Ground reaction forces and kinematics of plant leg position during instep kicking in male and female collegiate soccer players. Sports Biomechanics, 7 (2) 238-247.


Bachev, V., Marcov, P., Georgiev, P. & Iliev, M. (2005). 34 Analyses of intensity and physical load during a soccer match. Science and Football V: The Proceedings of The Fifth World Congress on Science and Football.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Handball mit Simi Systemen


Akl, A.R., Taha, S. (2016). Relationship between center of mass kinematics and ball velocity during jump throwing in handball. ISBS2016 Paper. [WWW]


Wagner, H. & Müller, E. (2008). The effects of differential and variable training on the quality parameters of a handball throw. Sports Biomechanics, 7 (1) 54-71.


Schorer, J., Baker, J., Fath, F. et al. (2007). Identification of interindividual and intraindividual movement patterns in handball players of varying expertise levels. Journal of Motor Behaviour, 39 (5) 409-421.


Wagner, H., Klous, M. & Müller. (2006). Kinematics of the upward jumping throw in handball- comparison of player with different level of performance. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 161-164.


Roth, K. & Schorer, J. Blickbewegungen von Handballtorhütern beim Siebenmeterwurf in Abhängigkeit von Umwelt, Expertise und Alter. BISp-Jahrbuch - Forschungsförderung 2006/07.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Kampfsport mit Simi Systemen 


Kalichová, M. (2012). Kinematic analysis of the side kick in taekwon-do. Studia Sportiva, 5 (3) 113-119.


Reguli, Z., Kalichová, M. & Zvonař, M. (2011) Comparative Kinematical Analysis of Forward Roll Fall, Side Fall, and Forward Break Fall in Individual Kinematic Model. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology, 11 (4) 19-26.


Zhou Chang-tao,Yu Dai-feng. (2010). Biomechanical characteristic analysis on elite men's Taekwondo horizontal-kicking techniques. Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education and Sports.


Reguli, Z., Zvonar, M., Sebera, M. & Vít, M. (2009). Specific rating scale for evaluating forward breakfall. Current trends in Performance Analysis. 223-227.


Witte, K., Edelmann-Nusser, J. & Campe, S. (2009). Movement analysis systems and their applicability to karate techniques. Otto-von-Guericke-Uni.


Favarini, R.A. et al. Cinematic analysis during a kick of taekwondo after passive static stretching exercise. Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


Witte, K., Emmermacher, P., Lessau, M,. Potenberg, J. & Bystrzycki, S. (2007). Aktuelle Tendenzen im Sportkarate Theorie trifft Praxis- Technikdiagnostik im Karate. Karanostik, Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg.


Saulīte, S., Čupriks, L. & Fedotova, V. Biomechanical Analysis of Taekwon-Do ITF Front-Leg Roundhouse Kick. 3rd Baltic Sport Science Conference „Physical Activity and Sport in Changing Society: Research, Theory, Practice and Management”, abstracts, Latvia, Riga, 29.April-1. May, 2010. 48-49.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen in der Leichtathletik mit Simi Systemen


IAAF in Zusammenarbeit mit Leeds Beckett University, Carnegie School of Sports: 2017 IAAF World Championships Biomechanics studies on different disciplines. [WWW]


Giandolini, M., Gimenez, P., Temesi, J., Arnal, P.J., Martin, V., Rupp, T., Morin,J., Samozino, P., Millet, G.Y. (2016). Effect of the Fatigue Induced by a 110-km Ultramarathon on Tibial Impact Acceleration and Lower Leg Kinematics. PLoS ONE, 11(3): e0151687. [WWW]


Hanley, B., Bissas, A., Drake, A. (2015). The contribution of the flight phase in elite race walking. Conference: 33rd International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports, At Poitiers, France. [WWW]


Maćkała, K., Fostiak, M., Kowalski, K. (2015). Selected Determinants of Acceleration in the 100m Sprint. Journal of Human Kinetics, 45 (1) 135-148. [WWW]


Frère, J., Göpfert, B., Hug, F., Slawinski, J. & Tourny-chollet, C. (2012). Catapult effect in pole vaulting: Is muscle coordination determinant? Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 22 (1) 145-152.


Frère, J., Göpfert, B., Slawinski, J. & Tourny-chollet, C. (2012). Effect of the upper limbs muscles activity on the mechanical energy gain in pole vaulting. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 22 (2) 207-214.


Hanley, B., Bissas, A. & Drake, A. (2011). Kinematic characteristics of elite men's and women's 20 km race walking and their variation during the race. Sports Biomechanics, 10 (2) 110-124.


Trezise, J., Bartlett, R. & Bussey, M. (2011). Coordination Variability Changes with Fatigue in Sprinters. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 6 (3) 357-364.


Li Jian-ying et al. (2010). Analysis of the First Jump Technique of Record-breaking Triple Jumper Li Yanxi. Journal of Chengdu Sport University.


Xu Guoneng,Tao Jun. (2010). On the kinetic analysis of swing technique during take-off of high jumper Huang Haiqiang. Journal of Zhejiang Normal University (Natural Sciences).


Zhou Yi-jun, Wang Yong-xiang. (2010). The Kinematics Analysis of the Take-off and Run-up Technology of Liling's Pole Vault. Zhejiang Sport Science.


Deng Luoping ,Liu Wie ,Xu Zhanming. (2009). The Kinematics Characteristics of the Spatial and Temporal Structure of Women's Hammer Thrower Zhang Wenxiu and Miankewa in Rotating Technique. Journal of Tianjin University of Sport.


Deng Luo-ping, Xu Zhan-ming. (2009). Kinematical analysis of the spinning techniques of excellent female hammer throwers at home and abroad. Journal of Physical Education.


Zhu, Q., Dapena, J. & Bingham, G.P. (2009). Learning to throw to maximum distances: Do changes in release angle and speed reflect affordances for throwing? Human Movement Science, 28, 708-725.


Mao Xu-jiang ,Wu Wen-hui ,Song Fu-kang. (2008). Comparative study of elite high jumpers' skill between Shen Qinli and Zhen Xingjuan. Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education and Sports.


Han Jing, Li Shi-ming, Bu Yi-feng, Xiong An-zhu. (2008). Comparison of Kinematics and Dynamics on the Standing Long-jump from Different Take-off Angles. Journal of Tianjin University of Sport.


Vodičková, S. (2008). Comparison of some selected kinematic parameters of the best and the worst throws of the elite discus throwers at the Ludvík Daněk’s meeting.  Rozprawy Naukowe Awf We Wrocławu, 26, 27-29.


Mackala, K. (2007). Optimisation of performance different phases of the 100 metres. New Studies in Athletics, 22 (2) 7-16.


Stafilidis, S. & Arampatzis, A. (2007). Muscle-tendon unit mechanical and morphological properties and sprint performance. Journal of Sport Sciences, 25 (9) 1035-1046.


Walsh, M.S., Waters, J. & Kersting, U.G. (2007). Gender Bias on the Effects of Instruction on Kinematic and Kinetic Jump Parameters of High-level Athletes. Res Sports Med, 15 (4) 283-295.


Mao Xu-jiang. (2006). Kinematics Study on Elite High Jumper Gu Bi-wei' s Take-off Skill. Zhejiang Sport Science.


Vodičková, S. (2003). The study of the body's centre of gravity in shot-putters. Acta Univ. Palacki. Olomuc. , Gymn, 33 (2) 33-37.


Hanley, B. & Mohan, A. (2006). Gait parameter changes during 10000 metre treadmill running. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 518-521


Zahradnik, D., Vaverka, F., Jandacka, D. & Gajda, V. (2006) The weight of projectile and throw distance. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 511-512


Hanley, B., Bissas, A. & Drake, A. Angular kinematics in elite race walking performance. International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports.


Innenmoser, J. (Projektleiter), Zimmermann, S. Einsatz eines Videofeedbacktrainings als trainingsbegleitende Maßnahme zur Optimierung der individuellen Wurftechnik bei gelähmten A- und B-Kaderathleten auf der Grundlage einer quantitativen Bewegungsanalyse. BISp-Jahrbuch 2003.


Kersting, U.G., Sherlock, K. & Newman, K.D. Footwear induced changes of rearfoot movement and energy consumption in distance running. Department of Sport and Exercise Science, The University of Auckland.


Lippold, T., Schöllhorn, W.I. (Projektleiter), Bohn, C., Schaper, H., Perl, J. & Hillebrand, T. Differenzielles Training im leichtathletischen Sprint – Strukturierung von Sprintkoordinationsübungen mit Simulation und Optimierung eines Trainingsprozesses. BISp-Jahrbuch 2003.


Siebert, D. & Espig, N. Bewegungsanalyse mittels Simi Motion 3D in der Schießdiagnostik im Biathlon. Universität Leipzig.


Siebert, D. (Projektleiter) & Espig, N. Untersuchungen zur weiteren Vervollkommnung der Anschlagtechniken Liegend und Stehend im Biathlonschießen. BISp-Jahrbuch – Forschungsförderung 2010/11.


Stafilidis, S. (2006) Sprint performance in relation to mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit and running track compliance. German Sport University, Cologne.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Radsport mit Simi Systemen


Barelle, C., Chabroux, V. & Favier, D. (2010). Modeling of the time trial cyclist projected frontal area incorporating anthropometric, postural and helmet characteristics. Sports Engineering, 12 (4) 196-206.


Oertel, C., Neuburger, H. & Saboa, A.. (2010). Construction of a test bench for bicycle rim and disc brakes. Procedia Engineering- The Engineering of Sport- 8- Engineering Emotion. 8th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA). 2 (2) 2943-2948.


Chabroux, V., Barelle, C. & Favier, D. (2008). Aerodynamics of time trial bicycle helmets (P226) . ISEA 2008 Conference on Engineering of Sport 7 Location: Biarritz, FRANCE Date: JUN 02-06, 2008- Engineering of Sport 7, 2, 401-410.


Wangerin, M., Schmitt, S., Stapelfeldt, B. et al. (2007). Inverse dynamics in cycling performance . 3rd Physics Days Remagen/2nd Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (RPT/MRNV 2007) Location: Remagen, GERMANY- Adavances in Medical Engineering. 114, 329-334.


Pozzo, R., Neuman, K., Plaino, L. & Schwirtz, A. (2006). Mechanical efficiency and mucular control variations in cycling by using different information procedures. 11th annual congress of the european college of sport science.


Bildhauer, T., Schulyzk, O. & Hartmann, U. (2004). Zur Biomechanik des Fahrradfahrens. Remagener Physiktage.


Höftberger, D., Langer, J., Unterweger, C. & Zeininger. R. Comparison of optical and electromechanical methodes for evaluation of the orientation of a bicycle pedal using simi-motion® Resp. A capacitive mems tilt sensor. University of Applied Sciences Technikum, Vienna, AUT.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Schwimmsport mit Simi Systemen


Fischer, S., Kibele, A. (2016). The biomechanical structure of swim start performance. Sports Biomechanics, DOI: 10.1080/14763141.2016.1171893.


Bingul, B.M., Bulgan, C., Aydin, M. (2015). The kinematic analysis of the grab, rear track and front track start in swimming. Sport Mont Journal, 57-62. [WWW


Gatta, G., Cortesi, M., Lucertini, F., Piero, B., Sisti, D., Fantozzi, S. (2015). Path Linearity of Elite Swimmers in a 400m Front Crawl Competition. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14 (1), 69-74. [WWW]


Mooney, R., Corley, G., Godfrey, A., Osborough, C., Quinlan, L.R., ÓLaighin, G. (2015). Application of video-based methods for competitive swimming analysis: a systematic review. Sport Exerc Med Open J. 2015, 1(5), 133-150. [WWW]


Cortesi, M., Fantozzi, S. & Gatta, G. (2012). Effects of distance specialization on the backstroke swimming kinematics. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 11 (3), 526-532. [WWW]


Komar, J., Leprêtre, P.M., Alberty, M., Vantorrea, J., Fernandes, R.J., Hellard, P., Chollet, D. & Seifert, L. (2012). Effect of increasing energy cost on arm coordination in elite sprint swimmers. Human Movement Science, 31 (3) 620-629.


Zatoń, K. & Szczepan, S. (2012). The Effect of Immediate Verbal Feedback on the Efficiency and the Effectiveness of Swimming. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 4 (2) 91-103.


Andrews, C., Bakewell, J. & Scurr, J.C. (2011). Comparison of advanced and intermediate 200-m backstroke swimmers' dominant and non-dominant shoulder entry angles across various swimming speeds. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29 (7) 743-748.


Cornett, A.C., White, J.C., Wright, B.V., Willmott, A.P. & Stager, J.M. (2011). Racing start safety: head depth and head speed during competitive swim starts into a water depth of 2.29m. International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education, 5 (1) 14-33.


Ceseracciua, E., Sawachaa, Z., Fantozzi, S., Cortesib, M., Gattab, G., Corazzad, S. & Cobelli, C. (2011). Markerless analysis of front crawl. Journal of Biomechanics, 44 (12) 2236-2242.


Schnitzler, C., Brazier, T., Button, C., Seifert, L. & Chollet, D. (2011). Effect of velocity and added resistance on selected coordination and force parameters in front crawl. J Strength Cond Res, 25 (10) 2681-2690.


Osborough, C.D., Payton, C.J. & Daly, D.J. (2010). Influence of swimming speed on inter-arm coordination in competitive unilateral arm amputee front crawl swimmers . Human Movement Science, 29 (6) 921-931.


Vantorre, J., Seifert, L., Fernandes, R.J., Vilas Boas, J.P. & Chollet, D. (2010). Comparison of Grab Start between Elite and Trained Swimmers. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 31 (12) 887-893.


Hohmann, A., Fehr, U., Kirsten, R. & Krueger, T. (2008). Biomechanical analysis of the backstroke start technique in swimming. Bewegung und Training, 2, 28-33.


Marek, R. & Grazyna, B. (2008). Searching for criteria in evaluating the monofin swimming turn from the perspective of coaching and improving technique. Journal of sports science and medicine, 7 (1) 67-77.


Gouvernet, G., Barla, C., Baly, L., Grélot, L. & Berton, E. (2008). Fin rib influence on mechanical parameters. Science in Swimming II. 171-176.


Dubiel, K., Winiarski, S., Rutkowska-Kucharska, A. & Jaroszczuk, S. Symmetry of support scull and vertical position stability in synchronized swimming. Biomechanics Division, University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw.


Schega, L. (Projektleiter), Pabst, J. Simultane Kopplung quantitativer Untersuchungsverfahren im Schwimmen. BISp-Jahrbuch 2003.


Krüger, T., Wick, D. & Hohmann, A. Bewegungsanalyse der Starttechnik im Rückenschwimmen. BISp-Jahrbuch 2004.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Tennis mit Simi Systemen


Mudra, P., Psalman, V. (2015). Evaluation of sport technique in tennis based on 3D kinematic analysis. Masaryk University, Faculty of Sports Studies, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Kinanthropology, "Sport and Quality of Life", 406-414. [WWW]


Rouffet, D., Hautier, C., Brosseau, O. & Rogowski, I. (2009). Coordination musculaire lors du coup droit lifté chez les jeunes joueurs de tennis/ Muscle coordination during topspin forehand drive in young tennis players. Science & Sports, 24 (2) 111-114.


Rogowski, I., Dorel, S., Brosseau, O., Rouffet, D. & Hautier, C. (2007). Upper extremity and racket kinematics in topspin forehand drive in elite adolescents and children tennis players. A preliminary study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 10 (S1) 17-18.


Alderson, J. & Elliott, B. (2006). Visual assessment tools in tennis. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 114-117.


Chen, T.-Y, Chen, C.-Y. & Chiang, J-Y. (2006). The effect coefficient of restitution and vibratory conduction of tennis racket arranged in one-piece molded and pu-foam handles. Journal of Biomechanics, 39 (S1) S196.



Coutinho, C., Elliott, B., Correia, P.P., Alderson, J., Veloso, A. & Lloyd, D. (2006). Neuromuscular determintant of performance in each type of ball spin tennis serve. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 774.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Turnen mit Simi Systemen


Xiao, X., Hao, W., Li, X., Wan, B., Shan, G. (2016). The Influence of Landing Mat Composition on Ankle Injury Risk during a Gymnastic Landing: a Biomechanical Quantification. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 9, No. 1, Article 10 (2016). [WWW]


Farana, R., Uchytil, J., Zahradník, D., Jandačka, D. (2015). The "Akopian" vault performed by elite male gymnasts: Which biomechanical variables are related to a judge's score? Acta Gymnica, 45 (1) 33-40. [WWW]


Kolar, E., Samardžija Pavletič, M., Veličković, S. (2015). Importance of biomechanical modelling for technical preparation of a gymnast. Conference paper: 2nd International Scientific Congress organized by Slovenian Gymnastics Federation. [WWW]


Farana, R. & Vaverka, F. (2012). Current performance of handspring vaults performed by top level female gymnasts on world cup competition. Czech kinanthropology, 16 (1)


Frère, J., Göpfert, B., Slawinski, J. & Tourny-chollet, C. (2012). Shoulder muscles recruitment during a power backward giant swing on high bar: A wavelet-EMG-analysis. Human Movement Science, 31 (2) 472-485.


Hedbávný, P. & Kalichová, M. (2011). Analysis of take-off phase of somersaults with twisting along the longitudinal body axis. International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, USA. 59, 590-594.


Abdel-Baser, E.A. (2010). Comparison of Take-off Dynamics in the Forward Handspring Followed by Forward Somersault Tuck on the Floor. World Journal of Sport Sciences, 3 (sS) 132-137.


Han, J. (2010). Computational simulation and analysis of rhythmic gymnastics jump. Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM), 2010 International Conference on 22-24 Oct. 2010. 5, V5-120-122


Hedbávný, P. (2010). Biomechanická analýza odrazových mikrofází přeskoku Jurčenko Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislavě. Športový tréning, 168.


Hedbávný, P., Kalichová, M. & Krejcoves, P. (2009). Technická úroveň skoku Jurčenko u reprezentantů České republiky.. Telesná výchova. 252


Sevrez, V., Berton, E., Rao, G. & Bootsma, R.J. (2009). Regulation of pendulum length as a control mechanism in performing the backward giant circle in gymnastics. Human Movement Science, 28, 250-262.


Hofer, L., Blahutková, M. & Pavlík, J. (2008). Podíl biomechanické analýzy přeskoku přemet vpřed a dvojné salto vpřed skrčmo na výsledku sportovce v soutěži. Studia sportiva, 2 (1) 62-71.


Westphal, K., Hökelmann, A. & Blaser, P. (2006). The connection between cognitive movement representations and movement implementation under the conditions of an accompanied-athletic training in rhythmic gymnastics. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 6 (2) 26-33.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Volleyball mit Simi Systemen


Marqueste, T., Messan, F., Hug, F., Laurin, J., Dousset, E., Grelot, L. & Decherchi, P. (2010). Effect of Repetitive Biphasic Muscle Electrostimulation Training on Vertical Jump Performances in Female Volleyball Players. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8, 50-55.


Jäger, J.M. & Scöllhorn, W.I. (2007). Situation-orientated recognition of tactical patterns in volleyball. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25 (12) 1345-1353.


Kuhlmann, C., Roemer, K. & Milani, T.L. (2007) Aspects of a three dimensional motion analysis of the volleyball spike in high level competition. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto- Brazil. 47-50.


Roemer, K., Kuhlmann, C. & Milani, T.L.. Body angles in volleyball spike investigated by modelling methods. Institute of Sports Science, Chemnitz University of Technology.


Kuhlmann, C.H., Zaumseil, F., Roemer, K. & Milani, T.L.. Entwicklung eines Messplatzes zur Technikdiagnostik im Volleyball. BISp-Jahrbuch – Forschungsförderung 2010/11.


Kuhlmann, C.H., Roemer, K. & Milani, T.L. Different approach techniques in volleyball spike. Department of Human Locomotion, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.


Kuhlmann, C.H., Roemer, K. (Projektleiterin) & Milani, T.L. Bewegungsanalyse des Volleyballangriffsschlags. BISp-Jahrbuch – Forschungsförderung 2007/08.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen im Wintersport mit Simi Systemen


Andersson, E. (2016). Physiological and biomechanical factors determining cross-country skiing performance. Mid Sweden University Doctoral Thesis 248, ISSN 1652-893X. [WWW]


Vodicar, J. & Jost, B. (2010). The Factor Structure of Chosen Kinematic Characteristics of Take-Off in Ski Jumping. Journal of Human Kinematics, 23, 37-45.


Krüger, A. & Edelmann-Nusser, J. (2010). Application of a Full Body Inertial Measurement System in Alpine Skiing: A Comparison With an Optical Video Based System. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 26, 516-521.


Kurpiers, N., McAlpine, P.R. & Kersting, U.G. (2009). Perspectives for Comprehensive Biomechanical Analyses in Mogul Skiing. Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal, 17 (4) 231-244.


Krüger, A. & Edelmann-Nusser, J. (2009). Biomechanical analysis in freestyle snowboarding: application of a full-body inertial measurement system and a bilateral insole measurement system. Sports Technology, 2 (1-2) 17-23.


Klous, M., Schwameder, H. & Müller, E. (2006). Joint loading on the lower extremities in skiing and snowboarding: methodological procedure. Journal of Biomechanics, 39 (S1) S187.


Klous, M., Müller, E. & Schwameder, H. Lower extremity joint loading in carved ski and snowboard turns. XXV ISBS Symposium 2007, Ouro Preto – Brazil.


Klous, M., Schwameder, H. & Müller, E. (2006). The accuracy of 3D kinetic and kinematic data used for joint loading analysis in skiing and snowboarding. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 553.


McAlpine, P. & Kersting, U. (2006). Development of a field testing protocol for the biomechanical analysis of snowboard jump landings- a pilot study. XXIV ISBS Symposium 2006 Austria. 79-82.


Müller, E. 3d model reconstruction and analysis of athletes performaing giant slalom. Science and Skiing, Band 5- Meyer, F. & Borrani, F.

Publikationen über Sportanalysen mit Simi Systemen


Bund, A., Ghorbani, S., Rathjens, F. (2016). A Three-Dimensional Movement Analysis of the Spike in Fistball. Sports 2016, 4(4), 55 (2016). [WWW]


Greenwood, D., Davids, K., Renshaw, I. (2016). The role of a vertical reference point in changing gait regulation in cricket run-ups. European Journal of Sport Science. [WWW]


Heinen, T., Supej, M., Čuk, I. (2016). Performing a forward dive with 5.5 somersaults in platform diving: simulation of different technique variations. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, doi:10.1111/sms.12728.


Marta, S., Silva,L, Vaz, J.R., Castro, M.A., Reinaldo, G., Pezarat-Correia, P. (2016). Electromyographic Analysis of the Lower Limb Muscles in Low- and High-Handicap Golfers. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. [WWW]


Monte, A., Nardello, F., Zamparo, P. (2016). Sled Towing: The Optimal Overload for Peak Power Production. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. [WWW]


Fletcher, G., Bartlett, R., Docksteadder, A., Romanov, N. (2015). Determining key biomechanical performance parameters in novice female rowers using the Rosenberg and Pose techniques during a 1 km ergometer time trial. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 15 (2), 723-748.


Martaa, S., Silvaa, L., Vaza, J.R., Castrob, M.A., Reinaldoc, G., Pezarat-Correiaa, P. (2015). Electromyographic analysis of lower limb muscles during the golf swing performed with three different clubs. Journal of Sports Sciences, 07/2015, DOI:10.1080/02640414.2015.1069376.


San Juan, J.G., Suprak, D.N., Roach , S.M., Lyda, M (2015). The effects of exercise type and elbow angle on vertical ground reaction force and muscle activity during a push-up plus exercise. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2015, 16:23. [WWW]


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