Simi Workshop for IOC World Conference

November, 2016

We are delighted to announce that our workshop on markerless tracking has been accepted for the IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport.

Workshop will take place
March 16, 5.30 p.m., Room Bosio 2

A new method for evaluation of sport specific performance and injury mechanisms within competitions - 3D markerless motion capture

Philipp Russ

- General application and use of motion capture data in sports – case presentations
- Actual marker based systems for motion capture and their limitations
- Wearable sensors and their limitations
- Understanding technology of markerless motion capture and outcome data
- Accuracy of markerless motion capture data in comparison to marker based and wearable sensor data
- Setup instructions for markerless motion capture – Capture anywhere, anytime
- Markerless case study presentations
- Possibilities for hybrid technologies (i.e. markerless + IMU)

Within sports, 3D biomechanical assessment is a widely accepted method to get precise information about movements and forces within the human body. Those data allow understanding performance factors and injury mechanisms. However, actual marker based solutions to capture such data suffer great limitations. The major limitation is the need for markers, which means a lot of preparation time with the athlete, the restriction of the athlete’s natural movement and the need for special labs. These negative aspects prohibit large scale studies, assessments in practice and valid data about high level athletes performing at their best in competitions.

New technologies of wearable 3D sensors try to free motion capture of markers and camera installations. Whilst this technology allows for more flexible outdoor use, it still suffers the need for sensors on the athlete and subject specific calibration, which makes measurements in competition still impossible. Wearables also suffer the lack of some important data, such as 3D joint or segment center of mass positions, being highly relevant parameters in sport biomechanics.

The purpose of this workshop will be to present and demonstrate a new approach of markerless 3D motion capture that can be applied in regular trainings or even competitions to get precise movement data. Absolutely no preparation of the athlete is necessary! Unlike other already existing markerless motion capture approaches, for example Kinect, the presented method allows to capture a wide field of motion, cameras can be placed far away for example in a stadium, high speed motions can be captured and most importantly it provides accurate and scientifically validated biomechanical data being comparable with known marker based methods. By this it is the only tool by now to get motion capture data from where it really matters. Just record within a competition and get precise sport specific movement data from your athletes or opponents at their highest level.

Markerless motion capture will open 3D biomechanical screening to practitioners and bring new possibilities for research. Objective and precise motion data can easily be captured in daily training or competitions. In research studies much larger subject groups are possible due to no preparation time for subjects.
